
Relax and enjoy a South Bruce Peninsula Beach

Welcome to the idyllic beaches of the Town of South Bruce Peninsula. Nestled along the stunning shores of Lake Huron and Colpoy’s Bay, our beaches hold the key to unforgettable memories and treasured traditions. For generations, families have made these shores their own, forging a deep connection that transcends time and creates lasting memories. 

Whether you want to spend the day at Sauble Beach, head to Bluewater Park after a hike on the Bruce Trail, watch the sunset at Red Bay and Hope Bay, or swim in the shallows at Howdenvale and Oliphant, there’s a South Bruce Peninsula beach waiting for you to relax and enjoy.

Beaches in South Bruce Peninsula

Bluewater Park

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Cedar Hill Park

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Hope Bay

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Kit Wat Motel & Marina

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Sauble Beach

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Where They Are Located